
Does any of the following sound familiar to you?

  1. How do I potty train my dog?
  2. What could I do to stop my dog from chewing my furniture?
  3. My dog doesn’t come when called. How do I train my dog a reliable recall?
  4. How do I calm my overly excited dog?

You’re not alone.

I’ve been through the same experiences as I learned to train my dog. When I started, it was tough and I didn’t how to train my dog effectively.

A little more about me…

Being a software developer who spend most of every waking minute sitting in front of a computer, I wanted time away from screen. So, I chose to get a dog.

Little did I know about dog parenting, I ended up feeling frustrated because my dog was too challenging to raise. Though I loved my dog yet I didn’t know how to understand and communicate with my dog.

Training my dog was incredibly difficult at first because I had no background in dog training. I would watch videos after videos on YouTube to try and overcome my dog training challenges.

It was and still is, tough to find good training content on the internet. Most content out there were too advanced or too naive. Hardly a few focused on applying on concepts to a real world situation.

I got so frustrated and I decided to do something about it. I spent countless hours learning the science behind canine learning and dog training. Three years later here I’m writing articles explaining the science behind training dogs that I wish I could’ve read when I started.

The concepts that I share in writing are easy to understand that a beginner can apply things that are explained. I also try and explain the concepts in an extremely sensible perception and how to apply them in real world context which you don’t see very much on the internet still.

Where to go next?

You can explore my articles, checkout our YouTube channel and read the FAQ page.

Most importantly, if you want to read thorough, well thought-out articles that’ll help to improve your dog training skills, leave your email below so I can share more with you.

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